Personal Accident Insurance

Enhance your life by safeguarding both yourself and your family's future against unexpected accidents.

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Personal Accident Insurance Coverage

A serious injury or the accidental death of a bread earner can have immense consequences, even for a two-income family. Any accident or associated injury inflicts great stress and anxiety on the victim and their loved ones. You need to have the right cover for your employees to ensure they have the best protection in place and ease the associated financial strain that would accompany loss of income due to death of disability.

Personal Accident insurance cover from Tokio Marine have excellent solution that can help provide a lump sum benefit if an employee becomes permanently and totally disabled as a result of a covered accident and cannot perform daily-living activities without personal assistance for the remainder of his or her life.

Personal Accident Insurance policies can be provided for Companies to protect their employees or individuals.

Key Benefits & Features

Explore our Personal Accident Coverage

  • Accidental Death.
  • Accidental resulting in Permanent & total disability.
  • Permanent Partial Disablement
  • Medical expenses incurred following an accident.
  • Repatriation of last remains of the Insured Person to his/her home country following an accidental death.
  • Temporary total disablement (Optional Cover)

  • Worldwide Cover excluding High War Zone.
  • 24/7 Coverage within the Geographical Scope.
  • Catering to the need of Individual, Family & Group Insurance.
  • No need of Medical Examination

  • Sickness (physical or mental), disease or any naturally occurring condition or degenerative process.
  • Bodily injury directly or indirectly caused by pregnancy or childbirth.
  • Taking part in naval, military or air force service or operations
  • Accidents under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs
  • Result of intentional self-injury, attempted suicide or whilst carrying out any criminal act.
  • Any ‘excluded activities’ listed in the policy.
  • Travelling other than by regular airlines, vessels or approved multi-engine charter flight.