Protecting your property is one of the key risk management aspect any company should plan and implement into their Operations.
You need to know that steps you have been taken to address risk no matter how small or severe the event will be and that you will have the resources to resume back to your normal operations at the earliest.
Tokio Marine has the expertise to provide tailored Business Interruption and property insurance solutions.
An “All Risks” cover which protects your property against accidental loss or damage unless the situation is specifically excluded. This covers your assets such as Building, Plant & Machinery, Computer or IT Equipment, Contents, Fixtures, Fittings, Stocks, and other assets for which the values are declared.
Further the associated Business interruption insurance is designed to protect your organization from losses caused by an insured event or incident that forces you to close your premises for an extended period of time. It effectively returns your business to the same financial position it was in before the event occurred, allowing the quickest possible resumption of business to normalcy.